is one of the best landscape-related tools our resource team has seen for landscape professionals, architects, property managers, contractors and even homeowners. It's simple, free and has an easy interface to work with if you're out on the field plugging away on a smartphone.

Here's some snippets from the website:
"Landscape Calculator was created with real world field experience of landscape contractors combined with the design knowledge and expertise of landscape architects. Our mission is to provide a simple, accurate, and educational estimating tool for the landscape industry."
"How many times have you had leftover plants… or not enough to finish a project? What does 10 cubic yards of mulch really mean? How about 100 cubic yards of mulch? We created this website for Landscape Contractors & Landscape Architects, Homeowners & Students, Estimators & Sales Professionals, and Nurseries & Garden Centers. We invite you to use our calculators and if you are in the landscape industry, we hope you share it with your clients, suppliers, and peers."
We've done the accuracy check for you. This is a great tool!